Ellie | Capturing Life Photography lifestyle milestone session Tampa, Florida

Family Lifestyle Photographer Tampa FL, Capturing Life Photography_0138.jpg

This family 😍 I don’t even know what to say! They are such beautiful, kind, and generous souls. Sweet Ellie is almost 7 months old, has two little tiny bottom teeth, is sitting up, and is making moves towards crawling! The amount of change that happens from 6-9 months is astonishing. These sweet babes go from being totally dependent on mommy and daddy to sitting, crawling, clapping, pulling up to their knees, to having teeth and eating food 😭 I love watching them learn but man it’d be nice to slow time down… I know all you mamas agree!!

I am feeling especially grateful to be able to meet so many amazing family through my career as both a babysitter and photography. Its probably the best part of what I do ❤️
